Yoga Classes

Evolve Flow | this flow class, known as vinyasa, integrates movement and breath, transitioning from one pose to another. This is for all levels, from beginners to advanced Yogis.

Evolve Gentle Flow | this yoga class focuses on the foundational poses of the practice. It encourages building strength, finding balance, and incorporates mindful breathing. This class is perfect for beginners and yogis of all levels.

Evolve Hatha | in this class you move your body slowly and deliberately into different poses that challenge your strength and flexibility, while at the same time focusing on relaxation and mindfulness.

Evolve Restorative + Crystals | using crystals is a great way of elevating your yoga practice as they contain many amazing healing properties. Crystal yoga can allow you to connect more spiritually with both yourself and the environment around you, making yoga even more enjoyable and peaceful. Optional to bring your crystal(s) to practice.

Evolve Wall Yoga | this class is great for yogis of all levels. The wall is used as a prop to practice the principles of alignment and to deepen the yoga postures.

Evolve Yoga Barre, No Barre | This hybrid class is a perfect pairing of yoga and barre without a barre. In this class, you will flow through vinyasa sequences designed to warm and tone the body combined with lower body barre work. You're getting the best of both in one workout.

Evolve Yoga Sculpt | Yoga sculpt is a combination of power yoga poses combined with the principles of strength training, using optional weights and booty bands. This workout will leave you feeling stronger, refreshed and uplifted. Optional to bring your Bangles.

Evolve Yin | a Restorative Yin based class focusing on long holds in seated, prone, and supine poses. The goal is to release tension in tendons, ligaments, and fascia to increase blood flow, circulation to joints, and improve overall flexibility. A theme will be integrated into practice to help calm the mind and nervous system.

Private Yoga Sessions

One-on-one yoga session tailored to focus on individual needs. Mindfulness and breathwork are integrated to properly learn the basic and advanced yoga poses at your pace.